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Gluten-Free cookies for everyone

Packaging, Logo, Animation


Brand Strategy: Pedro Medina

Logo: Lolette Acevedo

Packaging: Miriam Ramos

Photography: Jorge Rosado & Kevin Molina

Launching an entirely new brand packaging can be a huge task: managing old inventory, gathering best practice insights, following individual retailer's guidelines, revising nutritional tables, color proofing, printing, and shipping... we know. That is why we work alongside our clients throughout the entire process.

The Tasty Smart re-brand was driven by a ‘shelf strategy.’ So it wasn't just about re-branding, but creating a new packaging system that allowed the brand to perform well on a crowded shelf and scale in the process. Scaling a product like this one required a lot of research and design explorations before making the final decisions. It took a strategy, design, and printing team, retail negotiations, and many months until we fully encompassed the final product, a better brand position, and a stronger—and more delicious brand.

We live for this! And enjoyed the entire process and would do it again! 

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