Software Developers
Naming, Website, Logo, Brand Strategy, Implementation
Brand Strategy & Extension: Pedro Medina
Web Design: Jaylin Horta & Pedro Medina
Logo: Oficio Studios

What do an ice cream truck, an airplane, and an optometrist have in common? Software runs in the background. For a software development company, this may seem obvious, but for the untrained eye, not so much. Our goal was to make the invisible visible. We wondered: What if software itself could help us build Haipriori’s brand elements? What if we could subvert the A.I. image generation trend by reversing the process? Instead of using A.I., we opted for ASCII art image generation. Its text-based output reflects the means by which developers code: type. At the same time, it humanizes the output, reflecting an intersection of code, design, and expression.
Two other important aspects of the rebrand were the color change and the name. After our competitive research, we found out Haipriori was using the same color as its main competitor. The name, originally Haipriority, was shortened to elevate the perception of quality. The original logo was minimally adjusted. It fitted the category well. Finally, to connect with the value proposition of the brand, we proposed a new slogan: We software promptly. It reflects both agility and the use of artificial intelligence technology, a key differentiator for the business.