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Product Management Company

Naming, Website, Logo, Animation, Illustration, Brand Strategy


What is a Product Manager? Or even, why do tech companies need one? And why can't an IT person suffice? These are questions that haunt product managers all around the globe. As a misunderstood profession, they find themselves explaining to their prospects why they are key when it comes to developing lasting tech products that solve real-life problems.

Cibergente came with an industry problem: no name, no brand, just an idea — to build their own tech studio to help startups and established businesses alike to build, launch, and maintain their products. In reality, it involves many moving parts. Product people have many talents, from design thinking, strategy and analysis, to interpersonal skills. They're all about cyber, and people (gente) — Cibergente!

After several months of back and forth looking for the perfect name, we finally found one that resonated with the founder. Soon after, the concept came alive. We created a dynamic logo that shows many aspects of product development, from ideas, research, coding, design... an entire world of possibilities!

It was important for us to distinguish the brand from competitors, who tend to go for blues and blacks. We wanted to create something unique that sparks curiosity and speaks to the company's energy and attitude. Choosing yellow was a no-brainer, and illustrating a universe of cyberpeople placed the brand in a playful space that appeals to developers, designers, and all people involved in product. After all, product development should be fun, right?

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